Science and I is a community created by a group of scientists at different stages of their career with global academic, and industrial research experience. The main objective of this group is to create a platform for individuals in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and create awareness regarding career opportunities that exist in academia, industry and other STEM related fields. It is often observed that sometimes after graduating from STEM we give up careers or are forced to take career breaks for several reasons, this group aims to be their referral and support group for emerging out and reaching their potential. For bridging the gap, we aim to bring inspiring stories of individuals who have successfully transitioned, aiming to transition, on career breaks and intend to connect with others going through similar trajectories.
Quality Results
In Science and I Our goal is to help the leaders of tomorrow learn to find their path today. We take great pride in providing quality consultation and support to you if you had to leave your career in sciences for any reason and are looking forward to return. We’re absolutely here for you.
Personal Coaching
In the Science and I community we have a combined 30+ years of high-level education experience, helping you to return and find your place in your career journey and be successful in today’s world. Have questions? Come meet us!

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”
– Helen Keller